The REACT 350 System features “smart
plastic” cylinders made of high molecular
weight, high-density polyethylene (HMW/
HDPE) plastic. When impacted within the
design capacity specified in NCHRP 350, they
typically regain over 90% of their shape
and capacity without the need to reset the
system, allowing the system to take multiple
design impacts without maintenance or
repair to the system. The REACT 350 System
includes a range of units for design speeds
from 70 km/h (45mph) to 100 km/h (62mph)
and hazards of 910 mm (36”). REACT 350
Wide Systems are also available to protect
hazards up to 3m (10’)

The REACT 350 System will regain 90% of its original shape
after a design impact without maintenance or repair of
major components
• Able to withstand multiple design impacts
without resetting or repair
• Self-restoring and reusable after most impacts
• Pre-assembled at factory for easy installation
only minor assembly required at the site
• Minimal maintenance and refurbishment spare
parts typically not required
• Low life cycle cost
Satisfies NCHRP 350, Test levels
1,2 & 3

The REACT 350 System satisfy NCHRP 350
Test Levels 1,2 & 3 criteria (based on number
of cylinders) as redirective, non-gating crash
cushions. They are designed to attenuate
head-on impacts and redirect side angle
The REACT 350 Systems are available with a self-contained backup or a concrete-mounted
backup system. The concrete-mounted backup system allows the unit to be attached directly
to an existing or new concrete backup at the site. The “smart plastic” cylinders are arranged
in different configurations to achieve the required design speed capacity and system width
for a specific site.
The REACT 350 SYSTEM has been tested and proven to withstand multiple 100 km/h (62mph)
impacts without resetting or repair.